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Friday, July 23, 2010

How to Play With 9-Month-Old Baby

"kusyuk tengok final imam muda "

1. Tie several colorful scarves together. Insert one end into a cardboard tube and let him pull them out. See if he's able to stuff them back inside.

2. Place three toys in a box. Name one, and ask him to give it to you. If he gets it wrong, name the toy he gave you. If he gets it right, say, "Yes, that's a...."

3.Give his teddy bear an occasional sip when your baby is learning to use a cup. This is a forerunner of later imaginative play.

4.Give his teddy bear an occasional sip when your baby is learning to use a cup. This is a forerunner of later imaginative play.

5. Play back-and-forth games: He'll hand an object to you, and then you hand it back to him, and so on.

6. Turn toys upside down and put them in front of him. Encourage him to turn the toys right side up. He's learning the difference.

7.Put some of his toys in a plastic see-through box. Let him try to take the cover off himself. If he has trouble, help him.

Friday, July 2, 2010

7 months old

Waktu ni cuti sekolah..keje amsyar jalan2 jela..ikut je kemana orang bawa...JOM....TENGOK..

28 Mei, naik tren dr kl sentral ke pasir mas..9 mlm sampai kul 12 esoknya...so penat.nasib asmyar ok je..pasni serik nk naik dah...ni balik nk tengok tok ayah yg sakit n mama Kelly kenduri....

6 Jun ke Terengganu..kenduri kawan abah plak..bermalam di sana satu mlm.."Amsyar ngantuk..nak tido..penat seharian cri umah pengantin xjumpe.. "

Amsyar selamat dibotakkak oleh Nik Nah..Bersama mek tersayang di Pantai Melawi...

Bersama-sama geng bas skolah

Mek jara pon ado jugok...

sand play... syok nye main pasir..

makan gulai @ gua musang

** merangkak dan tumbuh pada usia 8 bulan...


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